Endovascular management in abdominal visceral arterial aneurysms:A pictorial essay

来源 :World Journal of Radiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a471839794
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Visceral artery aneurysms(VAAs) include aneurysms of the splanchnic circulation and those of the renal artery.Their diagnosis is clinically important because of the associated high mortality and potential complications.Splenic,superior mesenteric,gastroduodenal,hepatic and renal arteries are some of the common arteries affected by VAAs.Though surgical resection and anastomosis still remains the treatment of choice in some of the cases,especially cases involving the proximal arteries,increasingly endovascular treatment is being used for more distal vessels.We present a pictorial review of various intra-abdominal VAAs and their endovascular management. Visceral artery aneurysms (VAAs) include aneurysms of the splanchnic circulation and those of the renal artery. Their diagnosis is clinically important because because of associated high mortality and potential complications .plenic, superior mesenteric, gastroduodenal, hepatic and renal arteries are some of the common arteries affected by VAAs.Though surgical resection and anastomosis still remains the treatment of choice in some of the cases, especially cases involving the proximal arteries, increasingly endovascular treatment is being used for more distal vesselss.We present a pictorial review of various intra-abdominal VAAs and their endovascular management.
当我在不来梅走进她的艺术回顾展时,就觉得她太特殊了,无论她的艺术还是生命。 ——她是第一个进入欧洲美术史的德国女画家; ——她一人参与促成了德国两个画派的诞生; ——