Effect of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography combined with laparoscopy and choledochosco
【出 处】
敬爱的董海山院士离开我们已经一年多了,他的音容笑貌至今还留在我们的心间,他求真奉献的精神风范仍然激励着我们 2012年10月18日,将迎来董海山院士80诞辰, 《含能材料》编
Initial experience of occluding special type patent ductus arterioses using the Amplatzer vascular p
Background Occluders licensed for clinical use are not fit for some special Krichenko E patent ductus arterioses.The Amplatzer vascular plug I (AVP1) has not be
Background Few studies have investigated perioperative major adverse cardiac events (MACEs) in elderly Chinese patients with coronary heart disease (CHD) underg
A phase Ⅱ trial of oxaliplatin plus S-1 as a first-line chemotherapy for patients with advanced gast
Background Palliative chemotherapy has been shown to have a survival benefit for patients with recurrent or metastatic gastric cancer.We conducted a Phase Ⅱ tr
Heart rate distribution and predictors of resting heart rate after initiation of beta-blocker treatm
Background The importance of heart rate as secondary prevention strategies for patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) is emphasized by multiple guidelines.