我厂今年对各车间实行“一包”(包产值)“四保”(保质量、保成本、保安全、保设备完好率)的承包考核办法。考虑到现行的设备完好率是一个非量化的指标,可比性差,在执行过程中伸缩性很大。因此,我们遵循求实、量化、可比、可行的原则,对其内容加以完善和细化:明确规定设备完好率是指某一时期内的设备完好程度,而不是瞬间的设备技术状况。它包含着设备可利用情况和设备整体完好情况两个方面的内容,二者缺一不可。据此,我们提出了新的设备完好率计算公式: 新的设备完好率=各设备当月可利用天数之和/设备台数×当月天数×各设备整体完好系数平均值×100% 设备的整体完好系数按设备的五条完好标准,每
This year, our factory implements contracting assessment methods of “one package” (including output value) and “four guarantees” (guarantee quality, guaranteed cost, security and complete equipment maintenance rate) for all the workshops this year. Taking into account the current equipment intact rate is a non-quantitative indicators, comparability is poor, very flexible in the implementation process. Therefore, we follow the principle of truth-seeking, quantification, comparability and practicability to improve and refine its contents: It is clearly stipulated that the equipment intact rate refers to the equipment integrity within a certain period rather than the instantaneous technical condition of the equipment. It contains equipment availability and equipment as a whole intact two aspects, both of which are indispensable. Accordingly, we propose a new device intact rate calculation formula: The new equipment intact rate = the number of days available for each device / equipment number × the number of days in the month × the average of the integrity of the equipment coefficient × 100% The overall integrity of the equipment coefficient By equipment, five sound standards, each