张志毅 ,男 ,1958年 12月 2 6日生 ,云南省人 ,北京林业大学林木遗传育种学科教授 ,博士生导师 ,部级跨世纪青年学科学术带头人 .1982年 7月毕业于北京林学院林业专业本科 ,获农学学士学位 ,并留校任教 .随后在北京林业大学师从于著名林木遗传育种学家朱之悌院士 ,先后攻读林木
Zhang Zhiyi, male, born on December 26, 1958, a native of Yunnan Province, a professor of forest genetics and breeding at Beijing Forestry University, a tutor of doctoral students, and a academic leader of young people at the departmental level and across the centuries. He graduated from Beijing Forestry College in July 1982 Undergraduate, Bachelor of Agriculture degree, and to stay in school.Then in Beijing Forestry University under the famous tree genetics and breeding experts Zhu Zhizhi academician, has studied forest