1996年6月16日,公牛队主场战胜超音速队,从而以4:2的总成绩登上NBA冠军宝座。这场87:75的胜利为公牛队神话般的赛季划上了圆满的句号。 ’95—’96赛季对公牛队来说算得上是大满贯的一年。请看他们这一年中获得的主要成绩和奖项: *常规赛季72胜10负,为历史上最好成绩。公牛队也成为第一支取得70场以上胜利的球队。这一成绩也使公牛队跻身历史上最杰出球队行列。 *72场胜利也使主教练菲尔·杰克逊获得年度最佳教练称号。 *乔丹获得常规赛季及决赛阶段双料最有价值球员称号。加上全
On June 16, 1996, the Bulls beat the Sonics at home to reach the NBA championship with a total score of 4: 2. This 87:75 victory marks the bulls’ fabulous season. The ’95 -’96 season is a year for the Bulls. See their major achievements and awards this year: * 72 wins and 10 regular season, the best result in history. The Bulls also became the first team to win more than 70 games. This result also makes the Bulls ranks among the most outstanding team in history ranks. * 72 victories also made coach Phil Jackson won the coaching title of the year. * Jordan won the title of double most valuable player in regular season and final stage. Plus all