Some Recent Developments of The Problems on Tunnel Mechanics

来源 :西部探矿工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdszsh122
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In this paper, a brief introduction of the new progresses in the field of tunnel mechanics is presented in combination with part of the results of our recent research works. The main points are:1. Nonlinear feed—back analysis of the parameters of rock mass and rock properties of surrounding rocks around the tunnel opening;2. Static interaction between viscous elasto—plastic geo—media with the tunnel lining structures;3. Calculations of viscous elasto—plastic mechanics of tunnel openings considering the time—space effect of tunnel working face;4. Problems on Construction Mechanics relating to underground works as excavating by parts of tunnel openings with large cross—sections as well as successive excavation by order of opening groups etc;5. Expert—intelligence system for optimization designing of tunnel sup port;6. Monitoring, feed—back and predictions in tunnel construction;7. Problems of tunnel dynanics. In this paper, a brief introduction of the new progresses in the field of tunnel mechanics is presented in combination with part of the results of our recent research works. The main points are: 1. Nonlinear feed-back analysis of the parameters of rock mass and rock properties of surrounding rocks around the tunnel opening; 2. Static interaction between viscous elasto-plastic geo-media with the tunnel lining structures; 3. Calculations of viscous elasto-plastic mechanics of tunnel openings considering the time-space effect of tunnel working face; 4. Problems on Construction Mechanics relating to underground works as excavating by parts of tunnel openings with large cross-sections as well as successive excavation by order of opening groups etc .; 5. Expert-intelligence system for optimization designing of tunnel sup port; 6. Monitoring, feed-back and predictions in tunnel construction; 7. Problems of tunnel dynanics.
亲爱的俞振飞老师离开我们了! 7月19日凌晨,耄耋之年的俞老师在历经了92年的人生旅途后,和人们告别了! 俞师虽然在那史无前例的日子里,曾经四进“牛棚”,身心受到严重创伤,
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