Beijing Opera “Squaban’s Trickery,” co-authored by Chinese and French artists based on the same name comedy of France’s 17th-century comedy master Moliere, was staged on the evening of September 1, 2012 in the Wuhan Theater, arousing strong interest of the audience . ① Intercultural Communication of Chinese and Western Drama From 1903 to the present, more than 70 western works have been adapted into Chinese operas. Except for less than 10 Shanghai and Sichuan operas, there are 13 operas in Yue Opera, with the largest number being Peking Opera Adapted to 52, Which adapted from the French writer Xiao Zhongma’s “Camellia” Hugo’s “Notre Dame de Paris” has 5 (only “Notre Dame de Paris” Beijing Peking Opera, Shandong Peking Opera premiered in 1999 "big