肺炎支原体(mycoplasma pneumoniae,MP)为呼吸道致病菌,可从急性呼吸道感染患者的咽、气管、支气管、肺及胸水中分离出来,也可从肺炎并发症患者的脑脊液、心包积液、脑、肾脏中分离出来,还可同时或相继引起肺外器官或组织病变,如脑炎、心肌炎、血液病、肝炎、肾炎、关节炎、皮疹等。有的可出现血尿、蛋白尿、
Mycoplasma pneumoniae (MP) is a respiratory pathogens, which can be isolated from the pharynx, trachea, bronchus, lung and pleural effusion of patients with acute respiratory infection, cerebrospinal fluid, pericardial effusion, brain, Isolated from the kidneys can also cause extrapulmonary organ or tissue lesions, such as encephalitis, myocarditis, hematopathy, hepatitis, nephritis, arthritis, rash and the like. Some may appear hematuria, proteinuria,