微小鼻咽癌即癌灶向鼻咽腔隆起小于0.2cm,基底局限于一个壁以内。这时 x 线平片诊断和普通鼻咽腔造影较难发现。本文采用改良法鼻咽腔造影显示出病变所在,现将本院1988年6月—1991年4月间25例经病理证实的微小鼻咽癌 x 线表现分析如下:一、一般资料:25例中男17例,女8例,年龄33—68岁,主要临床症状有回缩性涕血、耳鸣、听力下降及颈淋巴结肿大等。鼻咽镜检查:见有小结节新生物3例,粘膜局限轻微隆起10例,局限性粗糙不平8例,未见明显异常4例。一次性活检病理报告阳性18例,多次活
Small nasopharyngeal carcinoma, which is a cancerous lesion that protrudes less than 0.2cm from the nasopharyngeal cavity, is limited to a single wall. At this time, the plain film diagnosis and common nasopharyngeal radiography are difficult to find. This article uses the modified nasopharyngeal angiography to show the lesions. Now the analysis of 25 cases of pathologically confirmed small nasopharyngeal carcinoma x-rays between June 1988 and April 1991 in this hospital is analyzed as follows: 1. General information: 25 cases There were 17 males and 8 females, aged 33-68 years old. The main clinical symptoms were recurrent blood stasis, tinnitus, hearing loss, and cervical lymphadenopathy. Nasopharyngeal examination: See 3 cases with new nodules, 10 cases with slight mucosal uplift, 8 cases with limited roughness, 4 cases without obvious abnormalities. One-time biopsy pathology report was positive in 18 cases, many times live