近半个世纪以来,我们坚持发扬艰苦奋斗精神,使我国的水利事业走出了一条独具特色的成功发展道路。历史的经验告诉我们,艰苦奋斗是推动我国水利事业顺利发展的保证,是我们宝贵的精神财富。艰苦奋斗精神不能随着时间的推移而淡忘,更不能随着外部条件的变化而把它丢掉。 我1911年出生在山东文登县林村,1933年参加革命,1935年就读于北平师范大学时加入中国共产党,“七七”事变后投笔从戎。战争年代,条件艰苦,斗争残酷,不艰苦奋斗我们就站不住脚,更谈不上克敌制胜。新中国建立后,转入和平建设时期,还能否艰苦奋斗,对共产党人是个严峻考验,对每个干
In the past half a century, we have consistently carried forward the spirit of hard work and made our water conservancy work out of a unique and successful road to development. Historical experience tells us that hard work is the guarantee to promote the smooth development of China’s water conservancy and is our precious spiritual wealth. The spirit of hard work can not be forgotten over time, nor can it be discarded as external conditions change. I was born in 1911 in Lincun County, Shandong Province, joined the revolution in 1933, joined the Communist Party of China in 1935 when studying at Peking Normal University, and voted a good name after the “July 7 Incident”. In the war years, the conditions are tough and the struggle is brutal. If we do not work hard, we will not be able to stand still, let alone defeat the enemy. After the founding of new China and its transition to the period of peacebuilding, it is still a severe test for the Communists whether to work hard or not,