国务院各有关部委.各省、自治区、直辖市财政厅(局)、计划单列市财政局,加发南京市财政局: 为了贯彻国务院国发[1985]63号文发布的《国营企业固定资产折旧试行条例》,现将《国营企业固定资产折旧试行条例实施细则》发给你们,请按照执行,执行中有什么问题,请及时告诉我部。
Relevant ministries and commissions under the State Council. The Finance Bureau (bureau) of each province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the Central Government, the Finance Bureau of the cities specifically designated in the state plan and the issuance of the Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Finance: In order to implement the Provisional Regulations of the State-owned Enterprises on Depreciation of Fixed Assets promulgated by Guo Fa [1985] No. 63 Now, the State-owned Enterprise Implementation Rules for the Pilot Execution of Depreciation of Fixed Assets will be issued to you. Please follow the implementation and any problems in implementation. Please let me know in time.