弓形虫病是动物源性疾病 ,许多哺乳动物和多种鸟类是人类的传染源。本文对 6 0 5例本地农村育龄妇女进行弓形虫感染初步调查 ,结果孝感农村育龄妇女弓形虫感染总阳性率 2 4 13 % ;弓形虫感染是致宫内死胎的重要原因之一
Toxoplasmosis is an animal-borne disease, and many mammals and bird species are sources of human infection. Toxoplasma gondii infection in 205 rural women of childbearing age was investigated in this study. The overall positive rate of Toxoplasma gondii infection in rural women of childbearing age in Xiaogan was 24.13%. Toxoplasma gondii infection was one of the important causes of intrauterine fetal death