Qiang Qin village, located in southern Tibet, south bank of the middle reaches of the Brahmaputra Qiongjie River Valley, mild climate, abundant rainfall, fertile land, is the famous Tibetan history legendary Kikupa Kabu fast Kang Baqiang Wang’s hometown. The village has a long history and Qiang Qin Manor has far-reaching influence and plays an important role in the history of Tibet. With the rapid development of Qionghua Culture and Tourism, Qiangqin Village’s distinctive industries and the superior resources of Qingqin Qinglv wine, Qiangqin Village becomes Qiongsheng County’s cultural attractions in the outstanding leader. When talking about the history of Qiangqin Village, the village’s liquor bar edge has to be talked about from barley wine. According to legend, Tibetan Buddhism information