同志们: 这次质量工作会议,十分重要。会议的主要任务是:学习贯彻国防科工委质量工作会议精神,分析当前质量工作形势,总结经验,明确任务,部署下一阶段的工作,努力推动中核集团公司质量工作进一步深化。 国防科工委一直十分重视质量工作。2000年、2002年和今年先后召开了三次质量
Comrades: This quality work conference is very important. The main tasks of the conference were to study and implement the spirit of the conference on quality work held by the State Science and Industry Commission, analyze the current quality work situation, summarize experience, clarify tasks and deploy the next phase of work, and strive to further deepen the quality work of CNNC. National Defense Commission has always attached great importance to quality work. 2000, 2002 and this year has held three quality