1 临床资料例1男,28天,患儿出生后1周间断抽搐、拒乳,前囟持续饱满、紧张入院。查体:T36.3℃,发育营养好,神清,头围38.5cm,前囟5cm×5cm,饱满、紧张,后囟未闭,颅缝裂开。眼底正常。颈软,心肺肝脾未发现异常,四肢肌张力正常。吸吮、觅食及拥抱反射存在。脑脊液正常。头颅CT示双侧大脑半球自质扩大,密度普遍减低,灰质变薄,脑回呈百条状线影。脑室大小正常,有透明隔囊肿存在,脑池沟增
A clinical data example 1 male, 28 days, 1 week after birth, children twitch, refuse to milk, anterior fontanel continued full, nervous hospitalization. Physical examination: T36.3 ℃, good development and nutrition, Shen Qing, head circumference 38.5cm, anterior fontanel 5cm × 5cm, full, nervous, posterior fontanelle closed, craniosynostosis. Fundus normal. Neck soft, heart and lung liver and spleen found no abnormalities, limb muscle tone normal. Sucking, feeding and hugging reflexes exist. Cerebrospinal fluid is normal. Head CT showed bilateral cerebral hemisphere self-expanding, generally reduce the density, gray matter thinning, the brain back to a hundred strip line shadow. Ventricular size is normal, there are transparent septum swelling, brain pool ditch by