1 临床资料本组为我院1997年1月至1999年11月间入院后明确诊断的上消化道出血患者68例,其中男51例,女17例,年龄60~86岁,平均72.5岁,入院前均有呕血和/或黑便。68例中56例经胃镜检查,10例经上消化道钡餐检查确诊,2例手术确诊。诊断为胃溃疡及癌肿者都经病理检查证实。68例患者中经内科保守治疗出血停止者63例,手术治疗5例。为了方便对照分析,我们随机选择了68例中青年上消化道出血患者作对照,其中,男54例,女14例,年龄17~58岁,平均年龄40.5岁。对照组亦均有呕血和/或黑便,且均经胃镜检
1 clinical data of this group for our hospital from January 1997 to November 1999 after a clear diagnosis of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in 68 patients, including 51 males and 17 females, aged 60 to 86 years, mean 72.5 years old, Hematemesis and / or melena before admission. Of 68 cases, 56 were diagnosed by endoscopy, 10 were diagnosed by upper gastrointestinal barium meal examination and 2 were diagnosed by operation. Diagnosis of gastric ulcer and cancer were confirmed by pathological examination. Among the 68 patients, 63 cases were stopped by medical conservative treatment and 5 cases were treated by surgery. In order to facilitate the control analysis, we randomly selected 68 cases of middle-aged patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding as a control, including 54 males and 14 females, aged 17 to 58 years, mean age 40.5 years. The control group also had hematemesis and / or melena, and all had gastroscopy