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油画是色彩的艺术,色彩是画家通过油画表达的重要手段。油画给人们留下第一印象的是色彩,造型和色彩是画家用来表达的基本语言,色彩的运用是否成功,决定了画家的作品是否能够引起观众的关注。油画的色彩语言中渗透着作者极富个性的情感表达,色彩因为浸染着作者的情感而充满魅力。研究一幅油画的内涵情感,色彩是一个重要的突破口。每个时代的油画创作都有独特的色彩运用特点,不同的作者也有不同的色彩倾向性。因此油画创作中色彩是一个极附内涵与魅力的元素。 Oil painting is an art of color, and color is an important means of painter’s expression through painting. Painting gives people the first impression is the color, shape and color is the basic language used by the artist to express the success of the use of color, determines whether the painter’s work can arouse the attention of the audience. The color language of oil painting permeates the emotional expression of the author’s individuality. The color is full of charm because of the author’s emotion. Study the meaning of an oil painting, color is an important breakthrough. Each era of oil painting has a unique use of color characteristics, different authors also have different color tendencies. Therefore, the color of oil painting is an extremely element of connotation and charm.
<正> 1.不寐案:一富家妇人,伤思虑过度,三年不寐,无药可疗。其夫求戴人(金代名医张子和,名从正,号戴人)治之。戴人曰:“两手脉俱缓,此脾受之也,脾主思故也。”乃与其夫以怒激
<正> 开元区是厦门经济特区的中心城区,全区面积54平方公里,下辖鹭江、公园、梧村、员当、嘉莲、莲前6个街道,99个社区居委会,6个行政村,全区户籍人口29.68万,其中下岗失业人
回 回 产卜爹仇贱回——回 日E回。”。回祖 一回“。回干 肉果幻中 N_。NH lP7-ewwe--一”$ MN。W;- __._——————》 砧叫]们羽 制作:陈恬’#陈川个美食 Back to yield