According to the fault-cut level, the faults in the Gaoyou Sag are divided into three types: Type I at least cutting the middle and lower structural layers; Type II cutting middle and upper structural layers; Type III cutting under the structural layers. The fault assemblages in different parts of the depression are obviously different. The sag boundary fault is mainly characterized by the shovel fan, and the interior is characterized by the secondary grabens, the horst-shaped low-amplitude bulge and the half-graben half-graben. The activity and tectonic pattern of the faults in different periods are the reflection of the tectonic evolution of the depression. During the deposition of the Taizhou Formation-Fu 1 depression, the depression extends to the NNW depression with a small scale and number of faults. The depositional period of the Fu 2-Fu 4 depositional succession In the extensional direction, faults extend and the faults in the southern boundary of the depression begin to move intensively. During the sedimentation period of the Dainan Formation-Sanduo Formation, they gradually transform into the NNW-SSE direction of bi-directional extensional faulting; the Yancheng Formation has been in the whole depression since the sedimentation, Scale fracture activity basically stopped.