
来源 :大庆石油地质与开发 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lt13770509399
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依据断层所切层位,将高邮凹陷内断层分为3种类型:I型至少切割中、下构造层;II型切割中、上构造层;III型切割下构造层。凹陷不同部位断层组合形式具有明显差异,凹陷边界断层主要以铲式扇为特征,内部以次级地堑、地垒式低幅度凸起和箕状半地堑等为特征。不同时期断层的活动性和构造样式是凹陷构造演化的反映:泰州组—阜一段沉积时期,凹陷向NNW方向坳陷伸展,断层规模和数量较小;阜二段—阜四段沉积时期继承前期伸展方向断陷伸展,凹陷南部边界断层开始强烈活动;戴南组—三垛组沉积时期,逐渐转化为NNW—SSE方向双向伸展断陷活动阶段;盐城组沉积以来,进入整体坳陷阶段,大规模断裂活动基本停止。 According to the fault-cut level, the faults in the Gaoyou Sag are divided into three types: Type I at least cutting the middle and lower structural layers; Type II cutting middle and upper structural layers; Type III cutting under the structural layers. The fault assemblages in different parts of the depression are obviously different. The sag boundary fault is mainly characterized by the shovel fan, and the interior is characterized by the secondary grabens, the horst-shaped low-amplitude bulge and the half-graben half-graben. The activity and tectonic pattern of the faults in different periods are the reflection of the tectonic evolution of the depression. During the deposition of the Taizhou Formation-Fu 1 depression, the depression extends to the NNW depression with a small scale and number of faults. The depositional period of the Fu 2-Fu 4 depositional succession In the extensional direction, faults extend and the faults in the southern boundary of the depression begin to move intensively. During the sedimentation period of the Dainan Formation-Sanduo Formation, they gradually transform into the NNW-SSE direction of bi-directional extensional faulting; the Yancheng Formation has been in the whole depression since the sedimentation, Scale fracture activity basically stopped.
目的系统评价溶血磷脂酸(LPA)在缺血性脑卒中的临床应用,探讨其作为该疾病预警指标的意义。方法电子检索PubMed、Cochrane Library、中国生物医学文献数据库、中文期刊全文数
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