这些年来,因为工作的机缘,我多次南下泉州,多次感受泉州南音的魅力。2003年初秋,我还应约为《明刊戏曲弦管选集》与《清刻本文焕堂指谱》两部南音典籍写了篇小序。我在文中说过:“音乐是时间艺术,是即现即逝、随生随灭的,看不见、抓不着、留不住。‘逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜’。有什么办法呢?古人没有精确的记谱法,更没有录音机?……, 然而,直到听了泉州南音,我才敢下这样的断语:古老的中国音乐,真的一直流传到了今天。”
In recent years, because of the opportunity of work, I have been down south Quanzhou, Quanzhou many times feel the charm of Nanyin. In the early autumn of 2003, I also wrote a small preface to the two Nan Yin dictionaries, Selected Works of Ming Opera Chords and Qingtu Huan Tang Zhi Pian. I said in the article: "Music is the art of time, that is, it is a fleeting, life and death, can not see, can not catch, can not stay. The ancients did not have an accurate notation, no more tape recorders. However, until I listened to Quanzhou Nan Yin, I dared to make the remark that the ancient Chinese music really has been handed down to today.