国家林业局近日印发《林业发展“十二五”规划》。《规划》确定“十二五”林业发展目标是:5年内我国将完成新造林3000万公顷、森林抚育经营3500万公顷,全民义务植树120亿株。到2015年,我国森林覆盖率将达21.66%,森林蓄积量达1 43亿立方米,森林植被总碳储量力争达到84亿吨,重点区域生态治理取得显著成效,国土生态安全屏障初步形成;林业产业总产值达3.5万亿元,特色产业和新兴产业在林业产业中的比重大幅度提高,产业结构和生产力布局更趋合理;生态文化体系初
The State Forestry Administration has recently issued the “Forestry Development” Twelfth Five-Year Plan. “Planning” to determine “Twelve-Five ” forestry development goals are: 5 years, China will complete 30 million hectares of new afforestation, forest tending and management of 35 million hectares, the national commitment to plant 12 billion strains. By 2015, the forest coverage in China will reach 21.66%, the volume of forest reserves will reach 34.3 billion cubic meters, and the total carbon storage of forest vegetation will strive to reach 8.4 billion tons. The ecological control in key areas has achieved remarkable results, and the barrier of ecological security in the area has taken shape. The forestry The total industrial output value reached 3.5 trillion yuan, the proportion of special industries and emerging industries in the forestry industry increased substantially, and the distribution of industrial structure and productive forces became more rational. The ecological and cultural system at the beginning