搞好农村“三项建设”,是解决我国农村防病治病,提高健康水平,加速实现“2000年人人享有卫生保健”的一个重大举措,在少数民族贫困地区,其意义更为深远,它对于落实中央“八七”扶贫攻坚规划,密切党群关系.进一步增进民族团结发挥举足轻重的作用,是为群众办好事、办实事的具体体现。 要搞好这一系统工程,既要有严谨科学的态度、实事求是的工作作风,同时,要有高度的责任感,扎扎实实地把这项工作做好。 要注重投资效果,不能单纯追求“量”的增加,要以实现
To do a good job in the “three constructions” in rural areas is a major measure to solve the problems of prevention and treatment of diseases in rural areas in China, improve health standards, and accelerate the realization of “everyone enjoys health care in 2000”. In areas with ethnic minority poverty, its significance is even more far-reaching. It is a concrete manifestation of the implementation of the Central Committee’s “August 7” poverty alleviation plan, the close relationship between the Party and the group, and the further enhancement of national unity to play a decisive role. To do a good job in this system project, we must have a rigorous and scientific attitude and practical work style. At the same time, we must have a high sense of responsibility and do a good job of this work in a down-to-earth manner. We must pay attention to the effect of investment and we must not simply pursue the increase in “quantity,” and we must achieve