Design and Implementation of an Ultrasonic Heat Meter Based on MSP430F437

来源 :Computer Aided Drafting,Design and Manufacturing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:auroragame_luoxl
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Flowing with the reform of the hot water heating method in China,heat meter will enter into households in the near future.A portable ultrasonic heat meter is designed in this paper.The meter uses chip microprocessor MSP430F437 as the data process core,and uses ultrasonic flow sensor to measure flow rate of the hot water,and capture input and output temperatures of the hot water using the thermal resistance sensor Pt1000,and then household energy consumption is calculated via temperature difference between input temperature and output temperature of the hot water multiplied by volume of hot water that is calculated though flow rate integration of hot water.In order to test the performance of the proposed heat meter,experiments is carried out.Both the temperature and flow measurement results satisfy the requirements of accuracy and the heat meter is effective in the heat measurement. Flowing with the reform of the hot water heating method in China, heat meter will enter into households in the near future. A portable ultrasonic heat meter is designed in this paper. The meter uses chip microprocessor MSP430F437 as the data process core, and uses ultrasonic flow sensor to measure flow rate of the hot water, and capture input and output temperatures of the hot water using the thermal resistance sensor Pt1000, and then household energy consumption is calculated via temperature difference between input temperature and output temperature of the hot water multiplied by volume of hot water that is calculated though flow rate integration of hot water. In order to test the performance of the proposed heat meter, experiments are carried out. B. the temperature and flow measurement satisfy the requirements of accuracy and the heat meter is effective in the heat measurement.
妹妹带长子回台湾,一百九十公分的十六岁大男生跑前跑后地帮妈妈提东西、用计算机整理数据,羡煞了一群亲戚朋友,问她是怎么教的。“没怎么教!他们自己长成这样。”妹妹笑答。  她说得一点没错,而且因为工作忙,十几年来,她连晚饭也没烧过几顿。但是每个孩子都很乖,功课也很好。虽然当妈妈的极少去学校参加家长会,却常接到孩子带回家的奖状。  有一天,妹妹一家来玩,我看孩子隔不久就这个过去抱抱妈妈、那个跑去亲亲妈妈
孟子,名轲,本是鲁国人,但由于家族没落,迁居邹地。他受业于子思之门人,学成后游说诸侯施行仁政。晚年退居立说,编撰《孟子》七篇,给后世留下巨大的精神财富。孟子的文章,笔挟锋芒,长于辩论,善用譬喻,说理精辟,文字流畅,颇富雄辩家气概,对后代散文发展有很大影响。笔者仅撷取《孟子》中的几个例子,谈谈他的思辨艺术。  一、善用比喻。比喻是孟子进行辩论或阐述道理的最有力的工具,也是他运用得最多最纯熟的方法。 
摘要:当前的思想品德课堂教学中,有的老师受教学习惯以及对教学质量过分担忧的影响,教学环节仍然是:复习—新授—训练—小结—作业,以老师的说教为主。新课程标准确立了思想品德课以情感、态度、价值观目标为首,兼顾能力目标、知识目标三位一体的课程教学目标。因此,本文从五点入手,分析如何彻底甩掉说教式的帽子,实施高效思想品德课堂教学。  关键词:激情;和谐;小品;辩论;乡土  中图分类号:G427文献标识码:
提出了内积向量(Inner Product Vector,IPV)的概念,证明了在白噪声激励下内积向量是由结构各阶模态振型叠加而成,且每阶模态的加权因子仅与结构的模态参数有关,并在此基础上