罗伯特·卡帕(Robert Capa,1913-1954),美国籍匈牙利人,犹太血统,1913年10月22日,出生于布达佩斯。卡帕原名为安德鲁·弗里德曼(Andrew Friedman),弗列德曼怎么变成卡帕的经过,倒是摄影史上绝妙透项的趣闻。卡帕在中学时对政治极感兴趣,曾有意加入共产党,在一次入党的秘密会面时,第二天就被政府当局盯哨跟踪,而家人也跟着被盘问,卡帕不得不立刻偷渡出国,前往德国求学,从此永远和
Robert Capa (1913-1954), American Hungarian, Jewish origin, born in Budapest on October 22, 1913. Formerly known as Andrew Friedman, Kappa, how Friedman transformed into Kappa is a wonderful anecdote in the history of photography. Kappa was extremely interested in politics in high school. She had intended to join the Communist Party and was kept in custody for the next day when the secret meeting for joining the party was held. His family members were also interrogated. Kappa had to immediately go abroad illegally, Go to Germany to study, and forever