With the objective of maximizing the yield of each portfolio of the bank, VaR is used to control the VaR of the loan portfolio and the skewness control is used to control the overall distribution of the loan portfolio’s yield to be larger than the mean to reduce the total loss Unilateral risk, the extreme risk is controlled by the kurtosis, and the mean-variance-skewness-kurtosis model of asset allocation is established.The innovation and characteristic of this model is that the kurtosis Constraints control the extent to which portfolio returns deviate from extreme losses.On the basis of Markovian mean-variance model, skewness and kurtosis parameters are added, and the mean-variance-skewness-kurtosis model is established. Through the variance constraint, the dispersion of portfolio returns from the mean is controlled: the skewness constraint controls the extent to which the overall distribution of portfolio returns deviates from the loss side: the kurtosis constraint controls the extreme loss or return of the portfolio yield The model controls the risk of loan portfolio from multiple perspectives and extends the classical idea of combination of mean-variance optimization.