本文通过对湖南省邵阳(南路)地区与稻作有关的语词与壮语的对比研究认为, 壮族的“那”文化即稻作文化在我国南北交往的长期历史中,吸收了中原汉族的旱作文化;另一 方面,“那”文化也深刻地影响了江南汉族稻作文化的形成,成为江南汉族稻作文化的有机组成 部分。湖南邵阳(宝庆)南路地区,曾经是壮汉两族及其先民共同生活和劳动的地方,可以说, “那”文化深深地融进了这里的汉族稻作文化,成为它的筋骨和血液,邵阳(南路)话中的壮语 成分就是证明。
Through the comparative study of the words and Zhuang dialects related to rice cultivation in Shaoyang (South) area of Hunan Province, this paper argues that the “that” culture of the Zhuang people, namely the rice culture, absorbed the drought of the Central Plains Han during its long history of communion between South and North China. On the other hand, the “Na” culture has also profoundly influenced the formation of the Han culture in the southern part of the Yangtze River and became an organic part of the Han culture of the Han people. The area of South Shaoyang (Baoqing) South Road in Hunan used to be where both Zhuang and Han both lived and worked together. It can be said that “That” culture has deeply integrated into the Han rice culture here and has become its bones And blood, Shaoyang (South) words in the Zhuang language component is proof.