利用负氧炸药爆炸法合成的纳米金刚石是一种较新的具有实用前景的纳米材料。本文应用 T E M、 H R E M 及 X R D 研究了 T N T/ R D X 炸药在密闭容器中爆炸后得到的固体产物,得到的结果可明确表明:在爆炸产生的高压和高温下,炸药分子的一部分碳可转化为尺寸为 3~10nm 左右的球状纳米金刚石微粒,同时有弯曲的片状石墨和非晶态碳小球生成。并对纳米金刚石微粒的生成机理进行了初步探讨。
Nanodiamonds synthesized by the explosive method of negative oxygen explosives are a newer and more promising nanomaterials. In this paper, T E M, H R E M and X R D were used to study the solid products of T N T / R D X explosions exploded in a closed container. The results obtained show clearly that under the high pressure and high temperature , Part of the explosives molecules of carbon can be transformed into spherical nano-diamond particles with a size of about 3 ~ 10nm, meanwhile there are bent flaky graphite and amorphous carbon pellets generated. The formation mechanism of nano-diamond particles was also discussed.