上班族一天有三分之一的时间是在工作中度过的。懂得一些卫生保健知识,做好上班时的保健防病工作,对于保持身体健康,是非常重要的。但有很多人工作时走入了保健误区。如: 带病上班。一些人认为小病小伤不下岗位是应该受表扬的,但从保健意义上看,这是不可取的。因为,小病不治,不注意休息而硬挺,有时会变成大病。因小失大,得不偿失。
One-third of office workers spend their days at work. Knowing some health care knowledge and doing a good job in health prevention and disease prevention at work is very important to maintaining good health. However, when many people work, they have gone wrong in their care. Such as: sick to work. Some people think that getting a minor illness or a minor injury should be commended, but from a health-care perspective, this is not desirable. Because of minor illnesses, do not pay attention to rest and stiff, and sometimes become a serious illness. Due to small loss, more harm than good.