中国糖尿病的患病人数已达9240万人,患病率为9.7%~([1])。而在这些人中,有约1/3是因缺乏疾病相关知识,未能采取积极的治疗和护理而产生的各种急慢性并发症~([2])。因此,重视糖尿病健康教育是糖尿病治疗的关键和核心~([3])。我院内分泌科从2010年起坚持开展糖尿病健康教育,取得满意的效果,现报道如下:1资料与方法 2010年1月2014年12月入住内分泌科的糖尿病患者约2450例,均半年以上病程。男1550例,女
The prevalence of diabetes in China has reached 92.4 million, the prevalence of 9.7% ~ ([1]). About a third of these people are acute and chronic complications due to lack of knowledge of the disease and their failure to take active care and care. [2] Therefore, emphasis on diabetes health education is the key and core of diabetes treatment ~ ([3]). Endocrinology in our hospital from 2010 onwards to carry out health education in diabetes, and achieved satisfactory results are reported as follows: 1 Materials and Methods January 2010 December 2014 admitted to the Department of Endocrinology about 2450 cases of diabetes, are more than half a year duration. Male 1550 cases, female