尊敬的北京师范大学校长 尊敬的钟敬文教授: 在这个隆重的庆祝会上,首先,请允许我代表美国衣阿华大学和亚太研究中心,并以我个人的名义,向钟敬文教授的九十五岁寿辰表示最热烈的祝贺!同时,对贵校邀请我参加这次盛会表示衷心的感谢!
Dear President of Beijing Normal University Dear Professor Zhong Jingwen: At this grand celebration, let me first of all, on behalf of the University of Iowa and the Asia Pacific Research Center of the United States, and on my own behalf, teach Prof. Zhong Jingwen 90 Five year old birthday said the warmest congratulations! At the same time, I sincerely thank you for inviting me to attend this event!