华侨的儿子 太平洋西部的多岛之国菲律宾,有大小7000多个岛屿,最大的是吕宋岛和棉竺老岛。吕宋岛奎松省有个迪阿旺市,它是个山区小镇,现聚居着5.5万余人。90年前,这里还是个小小山村,一片片椰林掩映着疏疏落落的竹楼,满地是一簇簇的黄菊,衬着浓浓淡淡的远山,蓝湛湛的苍穹,飘忽忽的白云,犹如一幅水彩画。1914年5月7日,原全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长叶飞就出生在这里的一个华侨家庭。迪阿旺市政厅至今还留存着叶飞的出生证。
The son of overseas Chinese in the western part of the Pacific Ocean, the island of the Philippines, has more than 7,000 islands, the largest of which are Luzon Island and Mau Zhu Lao Island. Quezon City, Luzon Island has a Diwan city, it is a mountain town, is now living with more than 55,000 people. 90 years ago, here is a small village, a piece of Coconut Grove nestled sparsely populated Zhu, Montreal is a cluster of clusters of Huang Ju, lined with thick mountains, blue Cham Zhan sky, erratic The white clouds, like a watercolor. May 7, 1914, former member of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee, Ye Fei, was born here an overseas Chinese family. Diaowang City Hall still holds Ye Fei’s birth certificate.