
来源 :林业实用技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nfast
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结合当前形势,以中国林业科学研究院与地方长期合作为例,介绍了通过院地合作平台促进林业科技推广的经验,阐述了院地合作是林业科研院所加速科技推广的有效途径和重要平台,提出了进一步加强院地合作平台建设、加强科研院所林业科技推广工作的举措。旨在促进科研与生产、科技与市场的紧密结合,促进林业科技成果转化为现实生产力。 Combining the current situation with the long-term cooperation between the Chinese Academy of Forestry and local governments as an example, this paper introduces the experiences of promoting the promotion of forestry science and technology through the cooperation platform of the institutes and the field, and expounds the cooperation between the institutes and the ground as an effective way and an important platform for accelerating the science and technology popularization of forestry research institutes , Put forward the measures to further strengthen the construction of cooperation platform in the hospital and science and technology, and promote the promotion of forestry science and technology in research institutes and institutes. The aim is to promote the close combination of scientific research and production, science and technology and the market and to promote the transformation of forestry scientific and technological achievements into real productive forces.
鼻腔恶性淋巴瘤临床较少见 ,以往文献认为其临床表现无特殊性[1],不易与其他鼻腔占位性病变鉴别 ,早期诊断较为困难。笔者搜集本院收治经病理证实的鼻腔恶性淋巴瘤 5例临床资
This paper is conced with a method for formingdistributed measurement and control system. A three-layerstructure model based on network, physical node layer and
肾上腺髓样脂肪瘤不常见 ,占尸检的 0 .0 8%~ 0 .2 %。本病多无临床症状 ,少数病例上腹疼或腰疼。CT检查对诊断本病有很高价值。本文回顾性分析经手术病理证实的 6例肾上腺髓
In this paper, we introduce the principle of intelligentloop-coil detector in traffic, present some chief interface circuit,and describe the highlights of desig
先天性盲端输尿管临床罕见 ,本院遇到 1例 ,经手术证实 ,报告如下。1 临床资料  男 ,4岁 ,病人 4个月前无明显诱因出现尿频 ,白天10~ 2 0min小便一次 ,夜间起夜 1~ 2次 ,无
the treatise introduced the GPS supervision and con-trol system, analyzed the features of the VHF/UHF single chan-nel call web, composite groups mobile communic
石湖镇党委、政府依托本地资源实际,紧紧围绕打造生态石湖镇这一目标,以保护和开发林业资源为中心,突出“产业兴镇”战略,全力做强“一个基地”,做强“五大产业园区”,加快了富镇强村裕民的步伐。  (一)围绕建设全省林业产业大县为目标,全力抓好林业产业发展。  石湖镇山高林密,林业和林下资源十分丰富,集体有林地总面积达17万余亩,森林覆盖率92.1%。境内设有“省级自然保护区”一处,1998年被县委、县政