根据最新资料,在按放射性核素在肺部吸收速度和物态分类对 1 435 个核素次所做的毒性分组的基础上,根据我国《电离辐射防护和辐射源安全基本标准》编制组的要求,经合并处理,得到了 851 个放射性核素毒性分组清单。本文将此清单与拟被取代的 G B 4792 和 G B 8703 两标准的相应内容做了比较,总体上仍是相近的,部分差异来源于剂量限值和剂量转换系数的变化。
According to the latest information, based on the grouping of 1 435 radionuclides by radionuclide absorption rate in the lungs and the classification of states, according to the group “Basic Standards for the Protection of Ionizing Radiation and the Safety of Radiation Sources” Upon request, a combined list of 851 radionuclide toxicity groups was obtained. This article compares the list with the corresponding G B 4792 and G B 8703 standards to be replaced, and is generally similar, with some of the differences stemming from changes in dose limits and dose-conversion factors.