2005年八大成绩 2005年,在宏观经济环境偏紧,各方面矛盾和困难较多的情况下,苏州市坚持“立足于快、服从于好、着眼于新、致力于本”的原则,理清发展思路,加大工作力度,迎难而上,奋力拼搏,夺得了改革开放和现代化建设的新成绩,主要体现在: (一)经济又快又好发展。全市完成地区生产总值4026.5亿元,按可比价计算比上年增长15.3%;地方财政一般预算收入316.8亿元,增长26.4%;全社会固定资产投资1870亿元,增长20.3%。农业生产稳步发展,农产品质量建设和农业龙头企业建设不断加强,新增无公害农产品26个、绿色食品236个、有机食品36个,规模以上农业龙头企业销售收入增长15.6%。
In 2005, with the macroeconomic environment tight and contradictions and difficulties in all aspects, Suzhou insisted on the principle of “based on quickness, obedience to good, focus on new, and committed to this” Develop new ideas and intensify efforts to meet difficulties and strive hard to win new achievements in reform, opening up and modernization, which are mainly reflected in: (1) The economy develops rapidly and soundly. The city completed a GDP of 402.65 billion yuan at a comparable rate of increase of 15.3% over the previous year; the general budgetary revenue of the local government reached 31.68 billion yuan, up 26.4%; that of the entire social fixed assets investment was 187 billion yuan , An increase of 20.3%. Agricultural production has been developing steadily. The quality of agricultural products and the building of leading agricultural enterprises have been continuously strengthened. 26 pollution-free agricultural products, 236 green food products and 36 organic products have been added. Sales revenue of leading agricultural enterprises above designated size grew by 15.6%.