Debris Flow The solid-liquid phase velocity of debris flow is the core issue of the debris flow on the bank slope, the mechanism of impact and wear of prevention and control structure.The debris flow fluid is simplified as the solid phase with the same particle size and the liquid phase with the same mechanical properties, One-dimensional two-phase fluid, the use of two-phase flow theory established the flow rate of solid-liquid phase flow debris flow control equations.Establish the debris flow average pressure, the total body force and the average surface force of the calculation method, especially through the slurry Binhanm body rheological equations, Bagnold Particle interaction test results were established control body average surface force calculation method; established the solid-liquid two-phase flow rate coefficient, and the theoretical solid-phase flow rate and the actual flow rate coefficient. Solve the governing equations obtained solid-liquid phase velocity calculation The method can be applied to viscous debris flow and dilute debris flow simultaneously, and also can be used to analyze the phase separation flow rate during the debris flow outbreak after the debris flow bursts outbreak.The engineering example shows that the calculated results are in good agreement with the measured results Good agreement.