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一、國際貼牌加工企業審查義務概述國際貼牌加工,通俗地說就是由境外委託人提供商標、規格、尺寸、技術標準等產品所必需的要求和加工報酬,國內加工企業根據委託加工製造產品,並將該產品全部交給境外委託人。國際貼牌加工製造的產品可以銷往境外也可以在國内銷售,本文僅就國際貼牌加工的產品全部銷往境外展開討論。國際貼牌加工企業的審查義務,是指國内加工企業在接受委託時應審查境外委託人提供的商標權屬證書或者授權許可证是否合法有效,是否有涉嫌惡意搶註國內商標的情况。如果國內加工企業未對境外委託人的註册商標專用權進行審查就 I. Overview of Reviewing Obligations of International OEMs International OEMs, in other words, are required by overseas consignors to provide the requisite requirements for products such as trademarks, specifications, dimensions, and technical standards, as well as remuneration for processing. Domestic processing enterprises make products according to the entrusted processing , And all the products to overseas clients. International OEM products can be sold outside the country can also be sold in the country, this article only on the international OEM products sold abroad to discuss. The review duty of the international OEMs refers to that the domestic processing enterprises should examine whether the trademark rights certificates provided by the overseas clients or the authorization licenses are valid and valid and whether there are suspected cases of malicious registration of domestic trademarks. If the domestic processing enterprises did not review the exclusive rights of foreign clients on the registered trademark
2013年1月7日,南昌街头,一位老太太正蹒跚地走在路上,怀里紧紧揣着一沓钞票,这是刚从银行提出来准备给重孙子治病的救命钱。  这时,一辆摩托车从老太太身旁呼啸而过,同时一叠钱“啪”的一声“掉”在地上,老太太见状忙呼喊起来:“钱掉了,小伙子,停车……”突然,一个人蹿过来,捡起地上的钱就跑。听到喊声的男子返回来,径直找老太太要钱,老太太忙跟他解释,但他一口咬定就是老太太捡了自己的6000块钱。老太太