在党的改革、开放总方针的指引下,为了加快档案事业的发展,充分调动档案人员的积极性,挖掘内部潜力,提高工作效率,我们从1985年开始,逐步在馆内实行了目标管理岗位责任制和承包责任制。通过对管理工作的改革,增强了档案馆的内部活力,促进了档案馆各项工作的开展,收到了较好的效果。这几年来,我们在实行目标管理和承包责任制的过程中,大体上经过了三个阶段: 第一阶段——1985年至1987年,我们实行的是“以人定岗,以岗定责”的办法。即将全馆各个阶段的工作任务,按需要分配给工作人员,提出具体要求,月月进行检查,年终进行总结。这种办法,
Under the guideline of the party’s general guidelines for reform and opening up, in order to speed up the development of archives, to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of archivists, to tap internal potentials and to enhance work efficiency, we have gradually implemented the duties of target management positions in the museum since 1985 System and contract responsibility system. Through the reform of management work, the internal vitality of the archives has been enhanced, the work of archives has been promoted, and better results have been received. In the past few years, we have basically gone through three stages in the process of implementing the goal management and contract responsibility system: The first stage - From 1985 to 1987, we practiced the principle of " Approach. All tasks of the whole museum will be assigned to staff members according to their needs, put forward specific requirements, check the moon and the moon, and conclude the year-end. This approach,