1938年,苏军与日军在哈桑湖地区发 生武装冲突。这场武装冲突以及围 绕冲突发生的所有戏剧性事件,断送了苏联 国内战争英雄布柳赫尔的仕途和生命。近年 来,随着研究工作的不断深入和历史档案材 料的陆续公开,人们开始以一种新的角度来 审视历史。人们迫切地想知道,上世纪30年 代末在远东地区究竟发生了什么。
In 1938, the Soviet army and the Japanese armed forces in the Hasan Lake region. This armed conflict, along with all the dramatic events surrounding the conflict, ruined the lives and career of Buluhul, the hero of the Soviet civil war. In recent years, with the deepening of research work and the opening of historical archives, people began to examine history from a new angle. People are eager to know what happened in the Far East in the late 1930s.