患者男 ,36岁。因咽痛、吞咽困难反复发作 8年 ,加重 5d ,于 1991年 10月 8日入院。自诉 8年来每年 1次无明显诱因发作咽痛、吞咽痛、吞咽困难 ,有时伴呼吸困难 ,均经抗生素治疗好转。查体 :精神萎糜 ,发音似口中含物 ,无声嘶 ,呼吸困难Ⅰ度 ,全身检查未见异常。咽部粘膜充血
Male patient, 36 years old. Repeated onset of sore throat and dysphagia for 8 years, an increase of 5 days, admitted to hospital on October 8, 1991. Self-accusation once a year for 8 years without obvious incentives to cause sore throat, swallowing pain, difficulty swallowing, and sometimes dyspnea, were improved by antibiotic treatment. Physical examination: apathetic, sounding like something in the mouth, silent phlegm, breathing difficulty I degree, no abnormal body examination. Pharyngeal mucosal hyperemia