It is not uncommon to find articles that analyze seismic activity in the region using historical and modern small seismic data, including a few earthquakes, yet articles that specifically analyze the characteristics of a region of seismic sensation have yet to be seen. This is because the historic earthquake is based on the historical records of the results of the analysis, the low accuracy, difficult to analyze the characteristics of the region; and the accumulation of modern sense of seismic data subject to time constraints, yet to obtain a certain amount of information. This paper collected and sorted the sensitive earthquakes in Shandong area for nearly ten years and studied the seismic activity images in the area and found that the regularity is far stronger than the non-seismic images in the similar magnitude range, thus deepening the seismic activity in this area Understanding of the pattern. The questions about the differences between the seismic images with and without sense in the same magnitude range and the macroscopic research of the sensitive earthquakes will be discussed separately.