On July 29, 2008, the final failure of the Doha Round negotiations brought WTO law development to a standstill. To observe the role of the “non-WTO agreement” in WTO dispute settlement can predict the future development trend of the WTO dispute settlement body “judicial making law ”. According to the close relationship between “non-WTO agreement ” and the WTO agreement “non-WTO agreement ” can be divided into three categories: the standards, resolutions and guidelines formulated by the international organizations quoted in the WTO agreement; Covered non-WTO agreements; bilateral or multilateral non-WTO agreements signed among member states based on WTO agreements. Specific analysis of these three types of non-WTO agreements shows that so far DSB has exercised utmost restraint in the judicial making of WTO dispute settlement, which means that DSB can not come to an end after the Doha round of talks is broken.