长久以来,在苏联动画片()工作者和一向很少关怀动画片问题的批评家中间,讨论着一个令人奇怪的问题:是否能将动画片称为‘伟大的’艺术? 动画片艺术的著名代表人物之一——导演И.瓦诺在其‘动画片的艺术’(一九四七年第六期‘电影艺术’)的结尾肯定地认为:‘动画片是小形式的伟大艺术’。批评家В.巴拉朔夫写了一篇文章(一九四八年第五期‘电影艺术’)反驳这个论点,而代之以这篇文章标题中所指明的‘在走向伟大艺术的道路上’这样一个公式。
For a long time, in the midst of Soviet cartoons and critics who had always been less concerned with cartoons, there was a curious question: could the cartoons be called ’great’ art? One of the famous representatives - director И. Vanuatu at the end of his ’Art of Cartoons’ (1967 ’Film Art’) affirmed that ’cartoons are a small form of great art’ . The critic В. Balashuofu wrote an article (’The Art of Film’, Issue 5, 1948) to disprove this argument and replace it with the road to great art specified in the title of this article On ’such a formula.