一相较诗歌和民谣的关系,摇滚乐与小说的联系较为间接,但却明显地体现在一部分一九四○年代出生的作家创作之中。无论是马丁·艾米斯、伊恩·麦克尤恩等英国作家,还是保罗·奥斯特、托马斯·品钦等美国作家,他们的青春正值摇滚乐风起云涌的年代,并且与摇滚乐一同成长。在他们的创作中,摇滚乐不仅是故事的背景,而且与成长与反叛、性与苦涩、自由与沮丧等主题相关。萨曼·鲁西迪(Salman Rushdie,又译作萨曼·拉什迪)生于一九四九年,自
Compared with the relationship between poetry and folk songs, the relationship between rock music and novels is more indirect, but it is clearly reflected in the creation of some of the writers born in the 1940s. Both British writers such as Martin Amis and Ian McEwan, American writers such as Paul Auster and Thomas Punchin are in the midst of a rock-like turmoil and are growing up with rock music. In their creations, rock music is not only the context of the story, but also related to topics such as growth and rebellion, sexuality and bitterness, freedom and frustration. Salman Rushdie (Salman Rushdie, also translated as Samantha Rushdie) was born in 1949, since