2001年6月11日,中海发展股份有限公司所属“建设12”油轮(3480总吨,1990年建造于上海),在锦州港101码头发生货油舱爆炸。第5号货油舱(右)大舱盖打飞变形,造成一名船员死亡,两人轻伤。 事故经过及爆炸原因 该轮在秦皇岛港装原油860吨,于6月11日5时抵锦州港,靠101油码头。 6月11日14时40分,卸油作业结束后,水手长、值班水手、木匠三人在甲板上准备拆卸输油臂。清理输油臂剩余原油时,将输油臂中剩余原油
On June 11, 2001, the “Construction 12” tanker (3480 GT) built by China Shipping Development Co., Ltd. was built in Shanghai in 1990 and a cargo tank explosion occurred at Pier 101 in Jinzhou Port. No. 5 cargo tank (right) cockpit flies and transforms, resulting in the death of one crew member and two minor injuries. The accident and the cause of the explosion The round of crude oil in Qinhuangdao Port 860 tons, at 0500 on June 11 arrived in Jinzhou Port, by 101 Oil Terminal. At 14:40 on June 11, after the unloading operation ended, the sailor, the watch sailor and the carpenter prepared to disassemble the oil delivery arm on the deck. When cleaning up the remaining oil in the arm, the oil remains in the arm