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  Sailing is an ancient sport. The international powers in the Age of Sail are today major players in the sport. U.K., France, Germany, and Spain represent the highest level of sailing in Europe, followed by Danmark, Sweden, and Netherland. Sailing is very popular in these countries, where countless sailboat and sailboard clubs organize competitions of different scales every week. The sport has also made its way to China over the past few years. The number of sailboat clubs has grown from just a few in 2007 to over 100 in 2011. Growing along are the number of competitions, including the 9-month Volve Cup, the Sinan Cup, which got popular with the advocacy of Feng Hui, and the China Cup International Regatta, the first-ever boat sailing regatta initiated by Chinese
  Sailboat clubs and competitions have been popular in Europe since the 18th century. Over the centuries, it has developed into a global sport. Conquering fear and teamwork are the main themes of the sport. As modern cities pursue globalization and exchanges with the outside world, no sport other than sailing meets the growth of future cities. In China, there are aslo many enthusiasts of the sport. Following are the stories of important Chinese players in the sport. Hopefully, they could inspire your passion about the sport.
  With the popularity of ocean culture, sailing, like yacht, has become a spirit, a lifestyle. More and more people are participating in this green sport to ride the wind and conquer waves.
  蓝色鸦片/ Blue Opium
  2011年我在奥克兰,作为第一个中国人、也是全世界第一位女性登上了“美洲杯”新西兰之队耗资一亿美元打造的顶级赛船。它的船速最快可以达到40节,比普通帆船要快上许多。坐在船上的感觉犹如坐在飞机里,在海面上飞翔驰骋,这是一种极致的体验。   作为帆船驾驶者,你必须拥有体力、知识、智慧、魄力,当然财富也必不可少。你必须对气象、洋流、潮汐、地理、海洋生物都有相当的知识和经验储备。这是一种令人上瘾的挑战,与坐在游艇上开派对的玩法是截然不同的,对于热爱它的人来说,帆船运动是真正的“蓝色鸦片”。
  In recent years, more and more wealthy people step out their comfort zone and start to pursue healthy lifestyles, including getting closer to the sea. Sailing is a game for the passionate and diligent. It requires knowledge about meteorology, ocean currents, tide, geography, sea life, and equipments to master the sport. Only those who love life and put it into action could relish the fun of the sport. Sailing is the world’s most complicated leisure sport. It is not something you can easily master with wealth or status. It is all about your attitude towards life.
  In 2011, I became the first Chinese and the world’s first woman to board the 100 million USD sailboat the New Zealand team built for the America’s Cup. It sails as fast as 40 knots/h, many times that of normal sailboats. It was a cherished experience, and I was impressed with the advanced sailing technology and excellent crew of New Zealand.
  Compared with yacht which is more leisure and often used for business reception, sailboat is more of a sport, a blue lifestyle. Many compare it to “blue opium”, something you would get addicted to if you tried it once. Sailing is a sport of wisdom, strength, knowledge, wealth, challenge, responsibility, and coordination. Most importantly, it is freedom. Sailing to the boundless sea is like questioning yourself in your immerse inner world. It is an experience found only to sailing.
  惊险中成长/ Stay Calm
  Some people put a tag of nobility on the sport. But I think we should leave it as it is. If it has anything to do with nobility, it is because it represents the noble spirits of wisdom, courage, responsibility, challenge, openness, integrity, and honesty.   Sailing is thrilling. But sometimes it could also be dangerous, like one accident I experienced last year. It was a night after the Phuket King's Cup Regatta. We were relaxed on our way back to Phuket after a long day’s diving at Racha island. We were drinking red wine to the accompany of music. Suddenly the boat tilted and everything fell to the deck. The captain was also taken aback. Our sailboat run into a fishing net running over 10km. We tried to steer away but failed. Soon the experienced captain turned off the engine to chek if it is tied up with the net. When the captain was about to cut the net with a knife, local fishermen arrived. As we could not speak Thai, it took us several hours to communicate. By midnight, we finally pulled out. Since either side suffered serious damage, we sailed back to our hotel. This time, we all kept to our posts until we got back to Phuket at dawn. This experience reminds me to always keep calm in unexpected situations.
  拥抱自由/ Embrace Freedom
  I spent my early years in Australia's Sunshine City, Brisbane. Sailing, yacht and other sea sport are popular among locals. Every weekend, we would party on the beach, enjoying wine, food, music, and sunshine. When I was introduced to this sport by my relatives, I have set myself a goal or a dream, that is to bring this lifestyle and the courage to challenge nature to my home country.
  The sea promises unlimited freedom that could not be offered on the land. It is as if your body and soul have melt in the sunshine, waves, and wind when you pull the sail and ride over the coming waves. The intimate contact with nature brings me spiritual peace and provokes me to think about life. Every time you sail into the sea, your sight, smell, and touch will be opened up by the blue sky and the sea, and you will understand why it is a sport for the true men. What’s more thrilling is that you never know what kind of waves you will face in the next second. Teamwork! Teamwork! Teamwork! It is an exciting experience to overcome difficulties and conquer the waves with your team members and to embrace freedom over the boundless blue waters.   There are many sailing lovers in Shenzhen, Pearl Harbor Delta, and Hong Kong. The calm waves in Shenzhen bay is very suitable for new learners. After grasping the basics here, you could sail to neighboring Guishan island or Wanshan islands for further practice.
  团队的力量/ Power of a Team
  My bond with the sport started with the 2006 Phuket King’s Cup Regatta. It is during this game that I witnessed the wisdom, strategy, and charm of sailing and fell in love with the sport. The history of sailing is as old as human civilization and transcends time and border. I believe every one has a sailing dream because it is not just a sport, but represents our desire to get closer to the sea and nature, and a healthy lifestyle that pursues freedom, adventure, and challenges.
  Sailing is fascinating because of its unpredictability. Weather, wind, and currents are changing every second, the crew on a sailboat must be knowledgeable, experienced, and quick-witted enough to react to any unknown change. Sailing is also interesting because it is a team work. Sailboat is powered solely by wind, so coordination of the crew is critically important. Every procedure, from raising sail, pressing down gunwale, changing sail, to helmsmanship, requires seamless cooperation. Compared with yacht, which is powered by engines, sailboat is greener and quieter. The fact that you can sail around the world with wind and it is all up to your control is exciting enough.
  In this challenge against the nature, good teamwok can bring our endless satisfaction. Sailing is also a sport of freedom and courage. Only a courageous and explorative heart could embark on one adventure after another. I hope more sailboat lovers could join the family and share the fun of sailing to more people.
  挑战极限/ Test Your Limit
  帆船和游艇都是我的挚爱,但我更偏爱帆船一些。驾驶游艇,你最多成为一名参赛选手;驾驶帆船,你有可能体会到成为艺术大师的感觉。游艇在英文中与帆船一起统称为Yacht。行业人士会把游艇称为“动力艇”,把帆船称为“无动力帆船”,二者的区别显而易见:游艇需要耗费燃料来驱动,而帆船只需要利用风与帆的夹角产生的动能即可前行。如果说帆船是古代人类顺应自然的智慧展示,那么游艇就是现代人类主动征服蓝海的欲望利器。帆船比游艇更环保、节能、安静,能让人亲近与了解大自然,还有更强的动手操纵能力,这是帆船的优势,也是我钟情帆船的原因。   作为一项技能,学习驾驶帆船,跟学打高尔夫球等其他运动技能都是类似的,但感受到的自然的力量与挑战却远不在同一层次。驾驶帆船,可以从中看见风、懂得风、利用风、体味自然的魅力。男人挑战自身极限、挑战自然、征服欲望的宣泄可以在这项运动中得以实现。
  As a real estate developer, I was introduced and drawn to the sport in a coastal city real estate project. Through training and sailing, I could now see, understand, and make use of wind, and appreciate the charm of nature. Sailing satisfies my desire to test my limit, challenge nature, and conquer the sea. I also love yacht, but sailboat is my favorite. Yacht is powered by engines and consumes fuel, sailboat is powered by wind. If sailboat is the culmination of ancient wisdom, yacht represents the modern desire to to conquer the sea. Sailboat is greener, quieter, and closer to nature, and more energy-saving. It also allows for manual operations. The sense of being in command is another reason I favor sailboat.
  If after reading these stories, you would like to learn about sailing, here are some advises I would like to give to new learners: As a skill, sailing is no different than golfing or any other sport, but the challenge and power of nature you will be exposed to is far greater in than any other sport. Through sailing, you would gain a better understanding of teamwork. Because the success of the sport lies in good teamwork. Like any games, sailing is competitive, but it is a competition of teams. Even solo sailing is supported through the seamless coordination of the coaching, logistics, and operation teams.
在很多人看来,  红珊瑚是一种有生命的宝石,  这种神奇的石头在几千年来一直备受追捧。  由于其漫长的生长周期和海洋环境的日益恶化,  这种稀有的有机宝石  正面临着价格暴涨和资源的枯竭。  吉祥“瑞宝”红珊瑚  中国人偏爱吉祥、喜庆的颜色,因此对红色有着根深蒂固的审美情节。在传统文化中也有“鸿运当头”、“开门红”等说法,所以自然形成的红珊瑚让人们觉得弥足珍贵。在中国文化中,红珊瑚自古就被视为幸福
穿双排扣西装的经典绅士形象不允许被遗忘,它是根救命稻草、是个优良传统,为男装界保持着干净高贵的血统。我们穿上双排扣西装,为这个文明流失的时代守望,期盼贵族精神的回归。  在尝鲜方面,美国总统总是畏首畏尾的,面对双排扣西装这柄双刃剑,有人借它封住了别人的嘴,也有人用它戳死了自己。对于穿衣颇有心机的克林顿来说,双排扣西装成了他品质生活的一部分,这个聪明的男人将自己的穿衣与政治地位结合到了极致,让好事者
《私人飞机》:你当时为什么在国内众多基金会中选择了与爱德基金会合作?  何耀棣:2008年年末的某一天,我看到一篇宗教报章的报道,汶川有一座教堂因为地震而毁坏,所以他们在香港募捐。我想资助教堂重建,可是又不放心自己的捐款是否能够提供真正的帮助到它,于是立即联系了当时的香港教会,询问谁在承办这次募捐,因此结缘了南京的爱德基金会。爱德基金会和其他基金会的不同之处在于其有宗教背景。很多年前由香港的一位主
蓝色海岸(Cote d'Azur)是世界上著名的富人生活区,它将一切的奢侈结合在了一起:完美的自然环境,闹中取静的房产位置,开放的投资环境,深厚的文化积淀。所以这里一直是全球巨富购买第二套房产的首选目的地。  蓝色海岸的富裕生活  蓝色海岸永远少不了富丽堂皇的歌剧院、别墅、酒店、高级餐厅、赌场、夜总会和精品专卖店。盛事更是不缺,尼斯狂欢节、戛纳电影节、F1赛车都会在这条璀璨的海岸一一上演。但是,看
随着总冠军骑手骑着他的冠军之马绕场致谢,2013国际马联(FEI)场地障碍世界杯中国联赛的全部三站比赛落下帷幕。3个月的时间,从京城马汇国际马术俱乐部到北京朝阳公园沙排主赛场,来自世界各地的优秀骑手和中国骑手用完美的“华丽之跃”,共同为我们献上了一场“跨越盛宴”。  Tips  作为一项与马有关的活动,在很早的欧洲历史中就有关于策马跨越障碍的记载,被称为大英帝国开国元勋的亨利八世就是障碍赛的最早玩
不仅仅握杯的姿势,  在酒会以及与葡萄酒相关的场合中,  很多约定俗成的“规矩”不只是“看上去优雅”,  而且是基于一套完整思考所得出的最佳方案。  完美的品酒礼仪不仅能展现出你出众的涵养,  还能帮助你在社交场上左右逢源。  葡萄酒不仅是用来品味的美酒,也是一种无声的社交语言。当年,中信公司驻外主管车尔在美国著名金融家索罗斯家做客时,被以法国名庄的葡萄酒款待。车尔以专业而优雅的方式晃杯、闻酒、品
并不是说每一辆跑车都应该到路面上去一较高下,因为它们出现的目的就是想让人们记住自己,而非去把道路撕开一条口子。能被贴上“传奇”标签的超跑,肯定都不是省油的灯,但它们没打算去打败谁。也许是追求暴力美学太辛苦了,现在的它们只想安静下来,审视自己的一路风雨。  一个好的设计师,不应该只想着去做好马力堆积和视觉轰炸,只有让一辆辆机械巨兽释放出独属于自己的“小宇宙”时,他们才会觉得自己是造物主般的存在。而如
公司楼下不远处有个报刊亭,每周我都会去那里买杂志。这家报刊亭的经营者是一对老年夫妇,每天路过这里,我都能看到他们坚守报摊的身影。有时我会想,两位老人家能感受到纸媒的悲摧吗?  这已经是不能回避的话题了。前不久和几位纸媒的社长主编聊天,整个氛围弥漫着一种颓废的情绪,这些骄傲的媒体人,都曾有着执著的新闻理想,但就像一位主编说的那样,读者不在了,广告主也不在了,非要给一个不在的事情奋斗,就没有意义了。 
想要了解一个城市,就去她的博物馆。那里就好像一本相册,是她最美的集合。酒店里的博物馆,是酒店服务的最高层次。除了舒适温暖的房间、华丽美味的餐点,这里的文化体验,才是人类需求金字塔的最顶端。  房间的面积、床品的材质、SPA的体验、游泳池乃至配套餐厅的主厨,酒店之间的硬件比拼已经进入白热化。但对于精英人士而言,一个酒店的历史与文化才是区别于其它酒店的不同所在。这种积淀的集大成者,就是博物馆。  在酒