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为掌握政府机构改革部门职责调整和行政审批制度改革取消、下放审批事项落实情况,查找部门职责关系方面存在的问题,促进部门责任的落实,进一步提高行政效能,促进政府职能转变,理顺部门职责分工,深化行政审批制度改革,完善行政运行机制,近日山东省编办、监察厅、法制办联合发出通知,开展专项检查。检查内容包括:(一)山东省政府第230号令、各市政府已公布取消和下放及县级政府已公布取消的行政审批事项落实情况;(二)取消和下放的部门职责落实情况;(三)增加、划入和承接下放的部门职责落实情况;(四)交给有关单位、组织的具体工作落实情况;(五)在落实加强的职责和承担的责任方面采取的措施及取得的成效;(六)多部门管理事项的职责分工落实和协调配合情况,是否还存在职责交叉、关系不顺等问题;(七)围绕职责调整,在解决社 In order to grasp the adjustment of the responsibilities of the reform departments of the government agencies and the reform of the administrative examination and approval system, and to delegate the implementation of the examination and approval issues, find out the problems in the relations of the departments and responsibilities, promote the implementation of departmental responsibilities, further improve administrative efficiency, promote the transformation of government functions and rationalize departmental responsibilities Division of labor, deepening the reform of the administrative examination and approval system, improve the administrative operation mechanism, recently compiled by Shandong Province, the Office of Supervision, Legal Affairs jointly issued a circular to carry out special inspections. The inspection contents include: (1) Decree No.230 of Shandong Provincial Government, the implementation of the administrative examination and approval items announced and canceled by the municipal governments and canceled by the county-level government; (2) The implementation of the responsibilities of the departments for cancellation and decentralization; (3) (4) the implementation of the specific work delivered to the relevant units and organizations; (5) the measures taken and the achievements made in implementing the enhanced responsibilities and liabilities assumed; and (Vi) Issues related to the division of responsibilities among multisectoral management matters and the coordination and coordination of such matters, whether there are still cross-responsibilities or unsightly relations; (7) Focusing on the adjustment of duties,
从公社广播员起家干到分管城建的副县长,江苏省南京市溧水县原副县长易善玲的敛财秘诀可谓独具匠心,那就是先用自己手中的权力培养出一个富翁,之后再把富翁当成“取款机”捞钱。  “我无法面对关心我的人,无法面对我的家人,现在我只能用泪水洗刷我的罪恶,我的教训沉重而深刻……”  这是江苏省南京市溧水县原副县长易善玲在接受审判时的忏悔。  《法治周末》了解到,近日,易善玲因受贿罪被南京市中级人民法院一审判处有