Integrin activation and internalization on soft ECM as a mechanism of induction of stem cell differe

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In the June 7th issue of PNAS,Professor Feng Xiqiao of Department of Engineering Mechanics of Tsinghua University and his colleagues published a paper titled “Integrin activation and internalization on soft ECM as a mechanism of induction of stem cell differentiation by ECM elasticity”.Prof.Feng has received sustained support from NSFC since 1993. This article was co-authored by a group of 10 researchers. According to the article,the mechanism by which ECM elasticity induces lineage specification of stem cells has not been clearly understood.Integrins are well-documented mechanosensors that are positioned at In the June 7th issue of PNAS, Professor Feng Xiqiao of Department of Engineering Mechanics of Tsinghua University and his colleagues published a paper titled “Integrin activation and internalization on soft ECM as a mechanism of induction of stem cell differentiation by ECM elasticity.” Prof. Feng has received sustained support from the NSFC since 1993. This article was co-authored by a group of 10 researchers. According to the article, the mechanism by which ECM elasticity induces lineage specification of stem cells has not been clearly understood. Integrins are well-documented mechanosensors that are positioned at
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