褐纹大尺蛾在山东荣成地区 1a发生 1代 ,以蛹于土中越冬。翌年 4月初成虫开始羽化 ;雌蛾只交尾 1次 ,雄蛾可交尾 1~ 2次。单雌产卵量 10 5 4~ 170 2粒。卵期 2 8~ 46d。雌蛾寿命9~ 11d;雄蛾 7~ 8d。 5月上旬出现幼虫 ,共 8龄 ,历期 112~ 12 6d。一头幼虫可食叶 440 .6~ 483.2cm2 。蛹期 2 32~ 2 49d。捕食性天敌有广腹螳螂、中华广肩步行虫、敌和三突花蛛、粽管巢蛛、斜纹猫蛛 ;寄生性天敌有斑痣悬茧蜂和家蚕追寄蝇。试验结果表明 :幼虫期采用 2 .5 %溴氰菊酯 ,10 %氯氰菊酯乳油 60 0 0倍 ,5 0 %久效磷乳油 15 0 0倍及 80 %敌敌畏乳剂和 90 %晶体敌百虫 10 0 0倍稀释液喷雾 ,效果达 97.5 %以上。
Large-scale brown moths in Shandong Rongcheng area 1a occurred a generation, with pupa in the soil overwintering. The beginning of April next year the adults began to emerge; female moths only one mating, male moths can be mated 1 or 2 times. Individual fecundity of 10 5 4 ~ 170 2 tablets. Egg stage 28 ~ 46d. Female moths are 9 to 11 days old; male moths are 7 to 8 days old. Larvae appeared in early May, a total of 8 years old, the duration of 112 ~ 12 6d. A larvae edible leaves 440 .6 ~ 483.2cm2. Pupal 2 32 ~ 2 49d. Predatory natural enemies have Guang Abdomen mantis, China wide-shouldered walking pests, enemies and the three sudden flower spider, dumpling tube nest spider, twisting cat spider; parasitic natural enemies spotted nematodes and silkworms chase the fly. The results showed that: 2.5% deltamethrin, 10% cypermethrin EC 60 0 0, 50% monocrotophos EC 1500 times and 80% DDVP emulsion 90% crystal trichlorfon 10 0 0 times dilution spray, the effect of more than 97.5%.