目的探讨接触媒体时间及感知父母对婚前性行为的态度对中学生性行为发生意愿的影响。方法在上海市某区采用多阶段整群抽样方法,随机抽取1 390名中学生进行匿名电子问卷调查。结果调查对象平均每天接触各类媒体的累积时间中位数约为3.2 h(190.2 min),男生接触媒体时间长于女生(P<0.01),初、高中生间差异无统计学意义(P=0.21);认为父母不反对婚前性行为的中学生中,接触媒体时间较多的对象发生性行为的可能性是接触媒体时间较少的2.07倍(95%CI=1.31~3.28);认为父母反对婚前性行为的对象中,其媒体接触时间与中学阶段发生性行为的意愿无统计学关联(OR=1.53,95%CI=0.80~2.93)。结论中学生接触媒体时间及感知父母对婚前性行为的态度影响其中学阶段发生性行为的意愿。
Objective To explore the impact of the exposure to media time and the perceived attitude of parents on premarital sexual behavior to the willingness of secondary school students to engage in sexual activities. Methods A multistage cluster sampling method was used in a district of Shanghai to randomly select 1 390 secondary school students for anonymous electronic questionnaire. Results The average cumulative time of interview with various media was about 3.2 h (190.2 min) and that of boys was longer than that of girls (P <0.01). There was no significant difference between the two groups (P = 0.21 ); Among parents of high school students who think that their parents have no objection to premarital sexual intercourse, they have a 2.07 times (95% CI = 1.31 ~ 3.28) Among the behavioral subjects, there was no statistically significant correlation between media contact time and the willingness to have a sexual behavior in secondary school (OR = 1.53, 95% CI = 0.80-2.93). Conclusions Middle school students ’exposure to media time and perceived parents’ attitudes toward premarital sexual behavior affect their willingness to have sex during secondary school.