中国加入世界贸易组织的谈判已经进行了十多年,国人似乎对此早已不陌生了,但当去年年底“入世”谈判取得决定性的突破到来之时,国人在兴奋之余有一种茫然不知所措的感觉。互联网业领域的情况尤其如此:外资早已摩拳擦掌、蓄势待进,中国的决策者和市场操作者则莫衷一是。一方有备而来,一方仍游移不定,形成了鲜明的对比。一、外资蓄势待进尽管中国政府过去禁止外资进入我国互联网业,实际上国外一些大的网业资本,近年来已突破这些限制,用参股中国公司的方式进入了这一领域。这些公司包括:国际数据集团(International DataGroup 即 IDG),这家波士顿电脑业出版商已向50多家中国互联网公司投资大约1亿美元;高盛公司(Goldman,Sachs & Co.),
China’s accession to the World Trade Organization has been negotiated for more than 10 years. It seems that people in China are not strangers to this long ago. However, when the crucial breakthrough was reached in the negotiation of “joining the WTO” at the end of last year, the people in the country were overwhelmed with excitement a feeling of. This is especially true in the Internet industry: Foreign investment has been gearing up and ready to move forward. China’s policymakers and market operators are totally different. A preparedness comes from one party, and the other is still uncertain and has formed a stark contrast. I. Foreign investment is ready Although the Chinese government banned foreign investment from entering the Internet industry in the past, in fact some of the major overseas online capital has exceeded these limits in recent years and entered this sector through the participation of Chinese companies. These include: International DataGroup (IDG), a Boston-based computer industry publisher that has invested about 100 million U.S. dollars in more than 50 Chinese Internet companies; Goldman, Sachs & Co.,