【摘 要】
The cross-cultural awareness has become an indispensable factor for interpreters.In this paper,the author points out the significance of the foster cross-cultur
The cross-cultural awareness has become an indispensable factor for interpreters.In this paper,the author points out the significance of the foster cross-cultural awareness to interpreters,offers some methods for interpreters to overcome the confusion caused by cultural differences by presenting some examples of cultural differences,aims to illustrate that in the course of interpre-tation,an excellent interpreter needs to interpret the language as well as to introduce the cultural connotations hidden behind the spoken language.
The cross-cultural awareness has become an indispensable factor for interpreters. In this paper, the author points out the significance of the foster cross-cultural awareness to interpreters, offers some methods for interpreters to overcome the confusion caused by cultural differences by presenting some examples of cultural differences, aims to illustrate that in the course of interpretation, an excellent interpreter needs to interpret the language as well as to introduce the cultural connotations hidden behind the spoken language.
煤是地下的“太阳”,可用来燃烧。人类多少年来就是通过燃烧煤来获得热能,可谁能想到煤还是地下的“聚宝盆”呢。 在含煤岩系中除主要产出与煤共生的油页岩、铝土矿和耐火粘
【摘 要】钻孔灌注桩凭借施工时噪音低、对周围音响小、工程质量有保证等优点,在建筑桥梁桩基中使用广泛,但在施工过程中由于操作不当、相关技术指标控制不严密等,往往会出现塌孔、缩颈、钢筋笼上浮、桩身夹泥、断桩等质量通病,影响工程质量。本文以204国道绣针河大桥的钻孔灌注桩施工为例,详细论述了对工程钻孔灌注桩钻孔桩基础的施工技术。 【关键词】 桥梁工程;钻孔灌注桩;基础施工;施工技术 1 钻孔灌注桩的
【摘要】:本文简要分析了商品混凝土企业现状与发展趋势,着重概括了商品混凝土企业经济管理的成本特点,深入探究了我国商品混凝土企业经济管理中成本控制与管理存在的一些问题,并提出了几点个人对于这些方面的解决措施与创新思考。 【关键词】:经济管理;混凝土企业;综合成本意识; 一、前言 商品混凝土以工厂化集中搅拌、社会化商品供应为特征,是实现建筑工业化的重要手段之一。它具有加速施工进度、减少环境污
摘要: 本文是结合本人多年的工作经验和工程实践,主要对水泥混凝土路面的施工工艺及施工质量的控制进行了相关分析。 关键词: 混凝土路面;施工;质量 随着村村通公路的不断建设, 水泥混凝土路面占到很大比例, 掌握好混凝土路面面层的施工工艺,控制好平整度、预防断板是提高工程质量的关键。 其工艺流程为: 基层验收→安装模板→混合料拌和、运输→人工摊铺、振捣→三轴式水泥混凝土摊铺机提浆整平→真空吸水→
Metaphor is one of the important and forceful figures of speech in English.In practice of translating English metaphors into Chinese,some approaches are availab